如何在 Google Colab 上运行 Samurai

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如何在 google colab 上运行 samurai





  • google colab 的 google 帐户
  • 抱脸账号下载数据

如何在 google colab 上运行 samurai

步骤 0. 获取 hugging face 令牌并将其添加到您的环境变量中

我们需要访问 hugging face 才能下载数据。

另外,如果您不知道如何将 hugging face 令牌添加到环境变量中,请查看这篇文章。

步骤 1. 更改默认运行时

要在 google colab 上运行 samurai,我们需要将默认运行时更改为 gpu。
我们需要使用 t4(免费 gpu)。

步骤 2. 安装软件包

!pip install matplotlib==3.7 tikzplotlib jpeg4py opencv-python lmdb pandas scipy loguru 

步骤 3. 克隆 samurai 存储库

!git clone https://github.com/yangchris11/samurai.git 

步骤 4. 安装 sam2

%cd samurai/sam2 !pip install -e . !pip install -e ".[notebooks]" 

步骤 5. 下载检查点

%cd /content/samurai/sam2/checkpoints !./download_ckpts.sh &&  %cd .. 

步骤 6. 从 hugging face 下载数据

在这一部分中,我们将使用 python 脚本来设置 samurai repo 在数据准备部分中提到的数据。


在本例中,我们将下载 cat 数据集,因此如果您想尝试其他数据集,可以相应地更改代码。

import os  # define the data directory data_directory = '/content/samurai/data/lasot'  # create the data directory if it does not exist try:     os.makedirs(data_directory, exist_ok=true)     print(f"directory '{data_directory}' created successfully or already exists.") except oserror as error:     print(f"error creating directory '{data_directory}': {error}")  # define the content to be written to the file content = '''cat-1 cat-20'''  # define the file path file_path = os.path.join(data_directory, 'testing_set.txt')  # write the content to the file try:     with open(file_path, 'w') as f:         f.write(content)     print(f"content written to file '{file_path}' successfully.") except ioerror as error:     print(f"error writing to file '{file_path}': {error}")  # print the file path print(f'file path: {file_path}') 
import os from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download import zipfile import shutil  def download_and_extract(base_dir="/content/samurai/data"):     try:         # create lasot and cat directories         lasot_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "lasot")         cat_dir = os.path.join(lasot_dir, "cat")         os.makedirs(cat_dir, exist_ok=true)          # create directory to save the zip file         zip_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "zips")         os.makedirs(zip_dir, exist_ok=true)          print("downloading dataset...")         zip_path = hf_hub_download(             repo_id="l-lt/lasot",             filename="cat.zip",             repo_type="dataset",             local_dir=zip_dir         )         print(f"downloaded to: {zip_path}")          # extract zip file to cat directory         print("extracting zip file to cat directory...")         with zipfile.zipfile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_ref:             zip_ref.extractall(cat_dir)          print(" created directory structure:")         print("lasot/")         print("└── cat/")         # display the first few cat folders         for item in sorted(os.listdir(cat_dir))[:6]:             print(f"    ├── {item}/")         print("    └── ...")          return lasot_dir      except exception as e:         print(f"an error occurred: {str(e)}")         return none  if __name__ == "__main__":     extract_path = download_and_extract()     if extract_path:         print(" download and extraction completed successfully!")     else:         print(" download and extraction failed.") 

步骤 7. 推理

最后一步是运行 samurai 推理。

%cd /content/samurai !python scripts/main_inference.py 


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上一篇: Python 隐藏的超能力:掌握编码魔法的元对象协议
下一篇: 使用 Python 为 Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 构建 Kubernetes 客户端

作者:admin @ 24资源网   2025-01-14



