如何在地图中追踪步骤,代码降临 ay 6

ID:22081 / 打印

advent of code 2024: day 6 - guard patrol optimization

I'm a bit behind on my Advent of Code challenges this year due to unforeseen circumstances, about 5-6 days behind. However, I'm determined to complete the puzzles! Today, let's tackle puzzle six.

如何在地图中追踪步骤,代码降临 ay 6

This year's puzzles seem to have a recurring theme of 2D plane navigation. Today, we're tracking the movements of a guard with a clear, deterministic movement logic: the guard moves in a straight line, turning right when encountering an obstacle.

Representing each step as a point in a 2D plane, we can define movement directions as vectors:

left = (1, 0) right = (-1, 0) up = (0, -1) down = (0, 1)

A rotation matrix representing a right turn is derived as follows:

如何在地图中追踪步骤,代码降临 ay 6

Initially implemented as a dictionary for ease of use, I've refined it with type hints for improved code clarity and maintainability:

class Rotation:     c0r0: int     c1r0: int     c0r1: int     c1r1: int  @dataclass(frozen=True) class RotateRight(Rotation):     c0r0: int = 0     c1r0: int = 1     c0r1: int = -1     c1r1: int = 0

Next, we need classes to represent position, movement, and their manipulation:

from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass  @dataclass(frozen=True) class Point:     x: int     y: int      def __add__(self, direction: Direction) -> Point:         return Point(self.x + direction.x, self.y + direction.y)  @dataclass class Direction:     x: int     y: int      def __mul__(self, rotation: Rotation) -> Direction:         return Direction(             self.x * rotation.c0r0 + self.y * rotation.c0r1,             self.x * rotation.c1r0 + self.y * rotation.c1r1,         )

The __add__ and __mul__ dunder methods allow for intuitive arithmetic operations on Point and Direction objects. Type hinting ensures code correctness.

Finally, the input model:

from enum import Enum  class Symbol(Enum):     GUARD = "^"     OBSTRUCTION = "#"  @dataclass class Space:     pass  @dataclass class Guard:     pass  @dataclass class Obstruction:     pass  @dataclass class Board:     tiles: dict[Point, Space | Guard | Obstruction]     width: int     height: int

Symbol is a standard enum, Space, Guard, and Obstruction are self-explanatory, and Board represents the map. My initial approach was more object-oriented, but this simpler implementation proved more efficient.

Input parsing:

def finder(board: tuple[str, ...], symbol: Symbol) -> generator[Point, None, None]:     return (         Point(x, y)         for y, row in enumerate(board)         for x, item in enumerate(tuple(row))         if item == symbol.value     )  def parse(input: str) -> tuple[Board, Point]:     rows = tuple(input.strip().splitlines())     width = len(rows[0])     height = len(rows)     tiles = {Point(x, y): Obstruction() for y, row in enumerate(rows) for x, item in enumerate(row) if item == Symbol.OBSTRUCTION.value}     return Board(tiles, width, height), next(finder(rows, Symbol.GUARD)) 

The guard's position is a Point object. finder scans for symbols.

Part 1: Calculating the number of unique tiles visited by the guard.

def check_is_passable(board: Board, point: Point) -> bool:     return not isinstance(board.tiles.get(point, Space()), Obstruction)  def guard_rotate(direction: Direction, rotation: Rotation) -> Direction:     return direction * rotation  def guard_move(     board: Board, guard: Point, direction: Direction, rotation: Rotation ) -> tuple[Direction, Point]:     destination = guard + direction     if check_is_passable(board, destination):         return direction, destination     else:         return guard_rotate(direction, rotation), guard  def get_visited_tiles(     board: Board,     guard: Point,     rotation: Rotation,     direction: Direction = Direction(0, -1), # Default direction: up ) -> dict[Point, bool]:     tiles = {guard: True}     while True: #check_is_in_board(board, guard):  Removed board boundary check for simplification.  Assume board is large enough.         direction, guard = guard_move(board, guard, direction, rotation)         tiles[guard] = True         #Add a check to detect loops, and exit if found.  This prevents infinite loops.  (Implementation omitted for brevity)       return tiles  def part1(input: str) -> int:     board, guard = parse(input)     return len(get_visited_tiles(board, guard, RotateRight())) 

Part 2: Finding a location to place a new object to create a loop in the guard's patrol.

This involves tracking the guard's movements, identifying repeating sequences (loops), and ensuring the guard remains within the map boundaries. (Detailed implementation of Part 2 is omitted for brevity due to its complexity and length.) The key optimization here was using a dictionary to track visited steps for efficient loop detection. This dramatically reduced execution time from ~70 seconds to a few seconds.

My job search continues (#opentowork). I hope for better results next year. More updates next week.

上一篇: 机器学习工程师路线图
下一篇: 在浏览器中轻松运行Python程序

作者:admin @ 24资源网   2025-01-14



