如何将列表 o 中的每一行前三列(cmd、opt 和 xx.x(x)se)作为键,合并第四列(catxxxx)的元素?
可以使用以下函数 combine_list() 将两个行合并:
def combine_list(list1, list2): list0 = list1[:] if list1[0] == list2[0] and list1[1] == list2[1] and list1[2] == list2[2]: list_temp = [list1[3], list2[3]] list0[3] = list_temp return list0 else: pass
接下来,使用两个循环遍历列表 o 的所有行,并将它们与其他所有行进行比较:
o_new = o[:] for i in range(1, len(o)): temp = combine_list(o[j], o[i]) if temp is not none: o_new.append(temp) o_new.remove(o[j]) o_new.remove(o[i]) if i == 3: j += 1 i = 1 if j == 3: break
最后,打印合并后的列表 o_new:
def combine_list(list1, list2): list0 = list1[:] if list1[0] == list2[0] and list1[1] == list2[1] and list1[2] == list2[2]: list_temp = [list1[3], list2[3]] list0[3] = list_temp return list0 else: pass o = [] a = ['cmd', ['opt1', 'opt2'], '12.2(2)SE', 'Cat3560'] b = ['cmd', ['opt1', 'opt2'], '12.2(2)SE', 'Cat4500'] c = ['cmd', ['opt1', 'opt2', 'opt3', 'opt4'], '12.3(2)SE', 'Cat3560'] d = ['cmd', ['opt1', 'opt2', 'opt3'], '12.4(2)SE', 'Cat3560'] o.append(a) o.append(b) o.append(c) o.append(d) o_new = o[:] j = 0 for i in range(1, len(o)): temp = combine_list(o[j], o[i]) if temp is not None: o_new.append(temp) o_new.remove(o[j]) o_new.remove(o[i]) if i == 3: j += 1 i = 1 if j == 3: break print(o_new)