
ID:19383 / 打印



stock-system/ │ ├── app/ │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── main.py                     # Entry point of the FastAPI app │   ├── api/                        # API related code (routers) │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── products.py              # Routes related to products │   │   ├── inventory.py             # Routes related to inventory management │   │   ├── sales.py                 # Routes related to sales and orders │   │   └── users.py                 # Routes related to user management │   │ │   ├── core/                       # Core settings and configurations │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── config.py                # Configuration settings (DB, API keys, etc.) │   │   └── security.py              # Authentication, Authorization, and Security utilities │   │ │   ├── crud/                       # CRUD operations for database interactions │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── crud_product.py          # CRUD operations related to products │   │   ├── crud_inventory.py        # CRUD operations related to inventory │   │   ├── crud_sales.py            # CRUD operations related to sales │   │   └── crud_user.py             # CRUD operations related to users │   │ │   ├── db/                         # Database-related modules │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── base.py                  # SQLAlchemy base for models │   │   ├── session.py               # Database session creation │   │   └── models/                  # SQLAlchemy models │   │       ├── __init__.py │   │       ├── product.py           # Product model │   │       ├── inventory.py         # Inventory model │   │       ├── sales.py             # Sales/Orders model │   │       └── user.py              # User model │   │ │   ├── schemas/                    # Pydantic schemas for request/response models │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── product.py               # Product-related schemas │   │   ├── inventory.py             # Inventory-related schemas │   │   ├── sales.py                 # Sales-related schemas │   │   └── user.py                  # User-related schemas │   │ │   ├── services/                   # Additional business logic/services │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── product_service.py       # Logic related to products │   │   ├── inventory_service.py     # Logic related to inventory │   │   ├── sales_service.py         # Logic related to sales │   │   └── user_service.py          # Logic related to users │   │ │   └── utils/                      # Utility functions/helpers │       ├── __init__.py │       ├── dependencies.py          # Common dependencies for routes │       └── helpers.py               # Miscellaneous helper functions │ ├── tests/                          # Test cases │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── test_products.py             # Tests related to products │   ├── test_inventory.py            # Tests related to inventory │   ├── test_sales.py                # Tests related to sales/orders │   └── test_users.py                # Tests related to users │ ├── alembic/                        # Database migrations using Alembic (if needed) │   ├── versions/                    # Directory for migration scripts │   └── env.py                       # Alembic environment configuration │ ├── Dockerfile                      # Dockerfile for containerizing the application ├── .env                            # Environment variables file (for secrets and config) ├── .gitignore                      # Files and directories to ignore in git ├── pyproject.toml                   # Dependencies and project metadata (or requirements.txt) ├── README.md                       # Documentation of the project └── uvicorn_config.py               # Configuration for running the FastAPI app with Uvicorn 


  • app/main.py:fastapi 应用程序的入口点。它启动应用程序,包括路由器和其他配置。
  • api/:包含库存系统各个方面(产品、库存、销售、用户)的路由定义。
  • db/:包括 sqlalchemy 模型、数据库会话设置和相关文件。
  • crud/:通过crud操作处理数据库和api之间的交互。
  • schemas/:定义用于验证和序列化请求和响应数据的 pydantic 模型。
  • services/:包含系统各种功能的业务逻辑。
  • tests/:包含单元测试和集成测试以确保功能。
  • alembic/:如果您使用 alembic 进行数据库迁移,这就是迁移文件所在的位置。


上一篇: Python:Python 作为数据分析工具的简介
下一篇: 探索 Python 中的名称修饰:它是什么以及它是如何工作的

作者:admin @ 24资源网   2025-01-14



