hangman 是一款经典的猜词游戏,非常有趣,对于初学者程序员来说是一个很棒的项目。
在本文中,我们将学习如何用 python 构建一个简单版本的 hangman 游戏。
最后,您将了解如何使用 python 的基本控制结构、函数和列表来创建这个游戏。
hangman 的目标是通过一次建议一个字母来猜测一个秘密单词。
import random
word_list = ['python', 'java', 'hangman', 'programming', 'computer']
def get_random_word(word_list): return random.choice(word_list)
当玩家猜测字母时,我们需要显示正确猜到的字母和未猜到的字母的占位符 (_)。
def display_word(word, guessed_letters): display = '' for letter in word: if letter in guessed_letters: display += letter + ' ' else: display += '_ ' return display.strip()
def is_word_guessed(word, guessed_letters): for letter in word: if letter not in guessed_letters: return false return true
要在基于文本的游戏中显示刽子手形象,您可以使用 ascii 艺术来表示刽子手的不同阶段。
def display_hangman(wrong_guesses): stages = [ """ ----- | | o | /|\ | / \ | | -------- """, """ ----- | | o | /|\ | / | | -------- """, """ ----- | | o | /|\ | | | -------- """, """ ----- | | o | /| | | | -------- """, """ ----- | | o | | | | | -------- """, """ ----- | | o | | | | -------- """, """ ----- | | | | | | -------- """ ] # reverse the list to display the stages in the correct order stages.reverse() return stages[wrong_guesses]
import random # function to get a random word from the list def get_random_word(word_list): return random.choice(word_list) # function to display the current state of the word def display_word(word, guessed_letters): display = '' for letter in word: if letter in guessed_letters: display += letter + ' ' else: display += '_ ' return display.strip() # function to check if the word has been guessed def is_word_guessed(word, guessed_letters): for letter in word: if letter not in guessed_letters: return false return true # function to display the hangman figure def display_hangman(wrong_guesses): stages = [ """ ----- | | o | /|\ | / \ | | -------- """, """ ----- | | o | /|\ | / | | -------- """, """ ----- | | o | /|\ | | | -------- """, """ ----- | | o | /| | | | -------- """, """ ----- | | o | | | | | -------- """, """ ----- | | o | | | | -------- """, """ ----- | | | | | | -------- """ ] # reverse the list to display the stages in the correct order stages.reverse() return stages[wrong_guesses] # main function to play the game def play_hangman(): word_list = ['python', 'java', 'hangman', 'programming', 'computer'] word = get_random_word(word_list) guessed_letters = [] attempts = 6 wrong_guesses = 0 print("welcome to hangman!") print("guess the word!") # main game loop while wrong_guesses < attempts: print(display_hangman(wrong_guesses)) print(display_word(word, guessed_letters)) guess = input("enter a letter: ").lower() # check if the guess is valid if len(guess) != 1 or not guess.isalpha(): print("please enter a single letter.") continue # check if the letter has already been guessed if guess in guessed_letters: print("you have already guessed that letter.") continue guessed_letters.append(guess) # check if the guess is in the word if guess in word: print(f"good guess! {guess} is in the word.") else: wrong_guesses += 1 print(f"sorry, {guess} is not in the word.") print(f"you have {attempts - wrong_guesses} attempts left.") # check if the word is fully guessed if is_word_guessed(word, guessed_letters): print(f"congratulations! you've guessed the word: {word}") break else: print(display_hangman(wrong_guesses)) print(f"game over! the word was: {word}") # run the game if __name__ == "__main__": play_hangman()
要运行游戏,只需执行 python 脚本,假设您创建了一个文件 main.py:
python main.py
----- | | o | /| | / | | -------- game over! the word was: programming
----- | | | | | | -------- j a _ a Enter a letter: v Good guess! v is in the word. Congratulations! You've guessed the word: java
这个简单的 hangman 游戏演示了 python 中控制结构、函数、列表和基本输入/输出的使用。
这是一个很棒的项目,可以在您学习更多高级 python 概念时进行扩展。